DVD Rentals, Video on Demand,Sex Toys.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sex Toys

well who has some, wants some, or is scared of them....lol. Well lets start with dildos and what if your man is afraid of the competition..First that's natural after all they come in all sizes and the can do amazing things. He may feel like you aren't happy with the real thing if you are wanting or using the biggest one in the store, or he may feel like he isn't man enough for you if you are using one. Lets face facts. Men don,t always get the job done, involve you partner and let him drive so to speak, or try mutual masturbation with toys. Once he realizes that the more you are satisfied, then the more often you are interested he may come around. Also be very open talk about sex with your partner discuss what you like and listen to what they like. Everyone has fantasies and the closer you can get to acting them out the more exciting and rewarding your sex life will be. Now when it comes to dildos the best ones seem to be the rabbits ..you know they vibrate, spin and have the little clit massager also, and don't forget a lot of heterosexual men fantasize about anal sex and this where a strap on comes into play, be careful though if your man has this fantasy don't run out and by a ten inch strap on because you will spend forever trying to just get in in there..ha..

now one of the other best toys are the small clit vibrators or bullets as they are most commonly referred to. the adjustable ones are the best and sometimes the smaller ones work better. Many women prefer the smaller ones because they can slip just inside the upper lip area and can be worked around the clit. But remember the key is adjustable speed because they can get numbing if they just go fast fast fast the entire time.

thats all for today any suggestions or comments just post,em up

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Craziest Place for SEX

ok the craziest place I have ever had sex was stuck in a creek bed back in the woods. It was super hot and the creek didn't really have much water in it. but after trying to get unstuck for about an hour ..for some strange reason I guess we decided that hot sweaty sex was the right thing to do..lol anyway I wont go into much more detail than that but it was spontaneous and rather exciting. have a great day all.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

sex over 40

The inability to "get hard"

Worry is the first time you can't do it a second time; panic is the second time you can't do it the first time.

Although many sexual topics are now "out of the closet," impotence is still a subject that arouses fear and anxiety in many men and women.
This emotional reaction is further strengthened by the lack of knowledge on the part of patients, their partners, and health care professionals. Most people were never taught about the erection process in school, let alone given accurate information from other sources. Much of the knowledge about penile anatomy and physiology has only become available in the last five years.


Well as we men get older we worry and for good reason. So many men associate being a man with the ability to have sex. I am 40 and at times I miss the erections that I would get when I was in my twenty's. I am not big on going to the doctor and I absolutely do not want to talk to them about my erections. I have found a couple of over the counter supplements work well in fact I would say that I can perform like I WAS twenty again. The first is Rize it comes in a pill form and I will includes a link to it at the bottom of this post the second is Libigrow and it is also a pill. I think for me i like the Libigrow better, for me it has less side effects. The Rize pill always gives me cold like symptoms the next day but it does work and you may be different. but either one is great.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Long Mondays

Well it been a long day at work, it was a Monday for sure. So after a day like today how can you relax enough to get in the mood for sex? does your partner feel like being intimate today?

1. Start by always walking in and giving your partner a soft kiss and tell them how much you missed them today and that your day was hard but now that your home everything is ok. ( ok not in these exact words but show your partner that they are important to you everyday).

2. If Supper isn't ready offer to help finish it or start making it. Also little things like taking the trash out or helping to pick up around the house.( this is especially important if you have small children in the house)

3. Take a Shower together ( how long has it been since you washed each others back) or offer to play with the children while your partner can relax in a bath. ( it is very important to set the mood. Remember as we get older sex is more enjoyable so it can't just be a hit and git situation)

4. Spend some snuggle time on the couch and watch TV together ( after the kids are asleep if applicable)

5. last but not least don't rush or pressure each other for sex. The constant remarks about how much you want it or how long it's been just ruins any attempt you make towards relaxing and having a wonderful night of passion.

OK that's all for today, tomorrow I will talk about men's health issues and some things we can do as men to keep ourselves healthy and also some extras for us.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


OK. How many times do you have sex and what are your ages. Just comment on your age and how many times you have sex a week or month. I will get an average and post it then as we go along I will update the averages to see if the information helps to improve your sex life. This will also give you an idea of how many times people your age are having sex.

PS I am looking or numbers only so feel free to remain anonymous. :)

Getting Started

Hi everyone, sex over forty is often referred to as the best sex of your life. So I am going to share information about things I have tried that enhance my sex life and some relevant medical information that I find from time to time. I hope you will enjoy reading about the adult products and situations that keep my sex life going stronger than ever, now that I am over forty. I have also included a link at the top ( Enhance My Sex life ) to show you some of the things I have tried.

Sex Over 40, Spice it UP!